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Brewed By: Anderson Valley Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1281

Style: English Winter Warmer

Brewed In: 17700 Boonville Rd, Boonville, CA 95415, USA

ABV: 6.90%

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Tasting Notes

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Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - January 7, 2014
Slight vanilla and caramel undertones; smooth ale; a little light for a winter ale. Cloudy copper brown color; nice head profile - December 22, 2013
Nothing special for a winter ale profile - December 22, 2013
Nothing special and really no noticeable taste difference from a brown ale.
bobbyhickory profile picturebobbyhickory - December 22, 2013
A nice thick, lingering head. Smooth and creamy body. Malty, sweet aroma with some hints of spice. Good sweetness and light spice flavors. Very light hops notes. A mellow flavor. An Excellent Holiday beer. profile - December 21, 2013
Yum, perfect amount of vanilla! profile - December 19, 2013
Vanilla milkshake
dkakes profile picturedkakes - December 13, 2013
Liquid Fig Newton!!!
BBrewster profile pictureBBrewster - December 13, 2013
I am a huge fan if their summer solstice and this brew is basically a darker version if that to fit the seasonal profile. Yum! profile - December 10, 2013
Great rich, caramel nose to it. Nice nutty, malty flavor to it. Excellent beer. Good with almonds or cashews.
Atlien2317 profile pictureAtlien2317 - December 7, 2013
So far this year in 2013 the best winter beer if had. To me is dangerous because it taste like a very popular Spanish beverage called Malta. It has a very good sweet malt taste with spices like cinnamon. Very smooth. Again the best so far!!!
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