East India Pale Ale
Brewed By: Brooklyn Brewery
Number of Ratings: 1884
Style: English IPA
Brewed In: 79 North Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA
ABV: 7%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 1884
Style: English IPA
Brewed In: 79 North Eleventh Street, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11249, USA
ABV: 7%
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Tasting Notes
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Rockhopper - January 24, 2019
A nice alternative to over-hopped IPAs. Pours coppery orange and clean with good carbonation. Head is thin and quick to dissipate. Light malt and citrus aroma. Flavor is really well-balanced with more maltiness than you expect. Grains, peach, almond, with a malty slightly bitter finish. Very easy to drink, yet strong. Drank along with Torpedo Extra IPA, which was a nice match, another more traditional IPA. That one is a bit more complex though.
Mutts609 - March 5, 2017
Nothing special
ohnoimonfire1 - September 27, 2016
SRM12. Completely clear IPA with interrupted head and moderate retention. Moderate visible bubbles. Piney aroma. Appropriate amount of bitterness for an IPA with long lasting aftertaste. It's not a blow you away type, but it's very enjoyable.
Spiker14 - August 26, 2016
A little weak for me. Disappointed. 3 stars.
beerjunkie247 - July 25, 2016
Great Taste just a perfect blend of hops and aroma
djpbrew - July 23, 2016
English ipa -- ok 3 stars
AJB - February 7, 2016
Good basic IPA.
mjr@matchboxcar.ner - December 21, 2015
Dont like it. To bitter
dino - December 7, 2015
Not super hopes
ediima1 - November 26, 2015
Light with good ops taste