Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale
Brewed By: Anderson Valley Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 1281
Style: English Winter Warmer
Brewed In: 17700 Boonville Rd, Boonville, CA 95415, USA
ABV: 6.90%
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Number of Ratings: 1281
Style: English Winter Warmer
Brewed In: 17700 Boonville Rd, Boonville, CA 95415, USA
ABV: 6.90%
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Tasting Notes
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martini1 - June 21, 2020
As a Winter Warmer it?s a little light. The spices are there, a little sweet but not overly done. Vanilla definitely in. Flavor very conducive to Winter. Alcohol pull not too strong but enough! Enjoy!!
mctrader725 - December 22, 2019
Malty, sweet, Carmel. Nice beer
gamgeegarden - June 22, 2017
Smooth and rich flavor
beer-billy - April 14, 2017
***Update-I was wrong! Much better now. DON'T drink it too cold. All the flavor comes back if it's cool, not cold. Give it 5 minutes before you start. Trust me, way better!***. ------ Previous entry: So, pretty good. Not sure I am getting all the flavors everyone is talking about. Certainly not overly hoppy or sweet or spicy. Agree with smooth. A good evening beer, but not a 'must go buy' before the season is over.
spartan_andrew - November 29, 2016
Yummy. Little bit of fruit, little bit of vanilla, little bit of hops.
bears1985 - May 16, 2016
Well it's chocolatey hint of oatmeal not my style
chillow - March 7, 2016
...sharing a burger with aub at the Bulls Head - aubs not a fan of this brew but I find it a tasty, sweet, refreshing option for a lighter, medium bodied brew
Suepon128 - March 5, 2016
Tasty with a good finish
HSAlegend02 - January 28, 2016
Awesome beer...sweet, but not too sweet, with noticeable but not overpowering cinnamon...highly drinkable for 6.9%
xman - January 22, 2016
Malty, sweet Carmel and light spices. Decent.