Trappist Westvleteren 12
Brewed By: Brouwerij Westvleteren (Sint-Sixtusabdij van Westvleteren)
Number of Ratings: 1642
Style: Quadrupel (Quad)
Brewed In: Belgium
ABV: 10.20%
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Number of Ratings: 1642
Style: Quadrupel (Quad)
Brewed In: Belgium
ABV: 10.20%
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Tasting Notes
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pmdockins - June 22, 2013
A very smooth and delicious beer!
Jackets60 - April 11, 2013
5 month old bottle. Very carbonated on the pour. Foamy darker white head. Dark brown color typical of quads. Definitely getting huge dark fruits like plums and the candy Belgium flavor. Getting a little bit of the chocolate flavor like from RIS's. Solid quad.
funat9000rpm - March 17, 2013
Although this beer is good, the hype is a little too much. Yea, it's BA no. 1 beer, but there are other Trappist Quads that easily measure up to this...
marieow - March 14, 2013
Although quads aren't my favorite style, this was enjoyable!
naturans - February 17, 2013
Wow. My first bottle from the precious brick. Very complex flavor. Tall head in beer flute, shorter in IPA glass. Cocoa and unsweet orange in the nose. taste is Overtones of coffee, soft resin, pear and molasses. Soft carbonation on palate, smooth texture and fruity aftertaste. Strong sweet alcohol taste. Lovely.
kendenton - February 14, 2013
Had at Brugge Beer Festival in 2013
hefewiseguy - February 8, 2013
A: deep brown, cloudy, lacy head that thins out and remains for a while.
S: raisins, figs, caramel, black cherry, booze.
T: very strong alcohol punch, then balanced by dark fruits, caramel, and malts. Almost a rum aftertaste when warmer.
M: huge, velvety, warming, and smooth.
O: Lives up to the hype! Exceptional beer. Extremely flavorful and intense, yet balanced and drinkable.
huffmatic - February 5, 2013
Incredible. Very complex but worth the money to at least try it once. - February 5, 2013
Everything you would except!
wagnerm - February 3, 2013
Wow different not everyday but nothing like it strong alcohol strong flavor