Chimay Première Red

Brewed By: Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont)
Number of Ratings: 4753
Style: Belgian Bruin / Brune Ale
Brewed In: Route de Charlemagne 8, Baileux (Chimay), 6464, Belgium
ABV: 7%
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Number of Ratings: 4753
Style: Belgian Bruin / Brune Ale
Brewed In: Route de Charlemagne 8, Baileux (Chimay), 6464, Belgium
ABV: 7%
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Tasting Notes
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A bit weak at first (bartender didn?t swirl the bottom). Nice after it was brought to his attention. Good smooth rich flavor. Tulip glass on NCL

My favorite Abbey Ale is Blue Moon Mountain (or Winter) Abbey Ale. Apparently no longer available! So I had high hopes for this actual monk brewed abbey ale from Belgium the Kingdom of Beer. But alas I did not find it as tasty as Blue Moon. Yes it?s caramelly and malty but the strong yeasty alcohol interferes with the enjoyment. So I still long for my lost love. Hey Blue Moon bring it back!! 2nd brew update. This time I taste a clovey-cola taste. While I love what we call Co-cola in the Deep South, never acquired even a tolerance for cloves. So my spousal unit will be finishing of the rest of these and I lowered my rating.

NOTE- This beer seems to be miscategorized. It is not a brown ale, but a Belgian Dubbel.
I have a soft spot for Belgian beers, even though they do not fit my normally dry/bitter beer profile. Had the Chimay Blue tripel last month and I loved it, but the alcohol is so high, it?s a bit off-putting. This Chimay Red, at 7%, is so much easier to drink. Smooth, rich?Really loved it. I will try the other Chimays next month to see if I can find one better than the Red.

A distinct Belgian dubbel (labeled a bruin here?which is it?) that isn?t worth the price. Fizzy, medium body. Copper color. Carmel, fig, malt. Had at Boone & Crocket.

SRM19. Completely opaque with some visible rising bubbles. Long lasting foamy head. Fruity aroma, I sense grapes. Foam sticks nicely to the glass. Medium carbonation. Grape taste with finish strong with alcohol bite. Finishes kind of tasteless.