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Brewed By: Brouwerij De Brabandere

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 727

Style: Flanders Oud Bruin

Brewed In: Rijksweg 33, Bavikhove, 8531, Belgium

ABV: 7.30%

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Image contributed by: hoptomistic

Tasting Notes

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tmh20 profile picturetmh20 - May 11, 2013
Sour and hoppy. Not too sweet, almost crisp. I always want more than 1.
Vuaspeliador profile pictureVuaspeliador - April 16, 2013
Tastes like an apple sour. Great flavor.
Sir profile pictureSir - March 27, 2013
Interesting. Oaky but sour patch kid sweet / tart. Liked it though. Wow. Scratch that. Too Tart. Getting much harder to drink. Rating dropped. Points for originality though. (Tasted before my sour phase. Would probably love it now!) profile - February 2, 2013
EXtremely sour!! Very lite. Blondish in color. Doesn't really have any noticeable hop flavor. Good tho. Maybe drink two max profile - February 1, 2013
Sour red flavor pretty tasty
elbinster profile pictureelbinster - January 28, 2013
Good flavor, but too sour for my tastes.
tangentdivison profile picturetangentdivison - December 25, 2012
Interesting. Almost tastes like a bitter white wine more than a beer. No hop flavors to detect. Sour grape flavor right through to the finish. Pleasant and unique, but I wouldn't go out of my way to try it. Edit: becomes simply too sweet and bitter toward the end and too much. I don't think I'd buy this again.
DaxAttack profile pictureDaxAttack - December 14, 2012
Super tart , after taste almost vinegary. Good though, although very night. Good sour bite, but lacked that sweetness linger or flavor that made it all alright profile - December 13, 2012
Almost tastes like cider. Tried it at monks cafe in Philly.
hop wizard profile picturehop wizard - December 12, 2012
Wow is it tart! Very nice.
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