Chimay Pères Trappistes White
Brewed By: Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont)
Number of Ratings: 4388
Style: Tripel
Brewed In: Route de Charlemagne 8, Baileux (Chimay), 6464, Belgium
ABV: 8%
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Number of Ratings: 4388
Style: Tripel
Brewed In: Route de Charlemagne 8, Baileux (Chimay), 6464, Belgium
ABV: 8%
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - July 25, 2020
Draft at Bar Marcel in Charlotte. Good brew that is not to heavy for a 8 %. - October 28, 2016
A nice white, a little sweet, a little boozy in the middle, s little hoppy lingering at the end, but smooth throughout
Beerguy33 - September 16, 2016
9/15/16 - 11.2 oz bottle into a Bootleggers tulip glass. Pours a dark golden, hazy Amber color with a creamy long lasting white head and good carbonation. Aroma is funky/yeasty, malty, dark fruits, caramel, figs. Mouthfeel is medium carbonation is above average. Taste is dry and boozy, caramel malts, and some bitterness with a smooth finish. Pretty well balanced, great beer. - July 8, 2016
Not my favorite Belgian. More dry than most.
E.J. - June 2, 2016
Well balanced, even flavors. No overwhelming flavor but plenty in there.
ywl - April 20, 2016
Appearance: Ruby
iniayashi - April 6, 2016
Trappist Ale.
A golden hue offers a rare balance of mellowness and bitterness.
Delicious. One of my all time favorites.
kletis - November 28, 2015
Delicious. Delicate but balanced, lots going on.
undrez75 - November 21, 2015
Not as fruity as Delirium Tremens, bitter after taste - September 16, 2015
Rusty golden. Wildflower notes. Balanced bitter/hops. Carbonation.