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Brewed By: Pizza Port (Port Brewing Company)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 331

Style: Russian Imperial Stout

Brewed In: 135 N. Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA 90725, USA

ABV: 10.50%

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Image contributed by: Crafty drinker

Tasting Notes

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trained moose profile picturetrained moose - January 2, 2015
Good wintery stout. Thick tan head and very dark, although I didn't think it seemed as heavy tasting as it looked. More thin than I expected but by no means a thin beer. Tastes of burnt chocolate that lingers. I didn't notice the high abv as much as others have. 3.5 stars.
HSAlegend02 profile pictureHSAlegend02 - December 30, 2014
Solid imperial stout, slight alcohol/anise burn at the finish but overall smooth for the high abv
aaf145 profile pictureaaf145 - December 30, 2014
2014 addition has a 10.5% abv... Chocolate, coffee, almost a dab of mint to finish.. I enjoy this beer surprisingly, a top russian imperial for me..4 stars
marksage profile picturemarksage - December 26, 2014
Rich, bold and a tad bitter! Merry Christmas
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - December 26, 2014
Creamy, good head; black, slight carbonation, malty and slight chocolate undertones; good profile - December 9, 2014
A little thick, nice color head, and goes down good
brewbaker profile picturebrewbaker - December 5, 2014
This a very nice smooth imperial stout with a coffee finish.
chulk771 profile picturechulk771 - February 2, 2014
Carbonated, not smooth. Mid bodied. Nice flavor, bitter, burnt, cocoa. Flavor lasts moderately long. Strong alcohol taste. 3.4
cgiron profile picturecgiron - January 7, 2014
Almost black in color w/ foamy khaki head & great lace. Nose is dominated by smoky roasted malt, coffee & chocolate. Flavors follow suit.
Mookii profile pictureMookii - December 28, 2013
Merry Christmas, mother fucka!
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