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Brewed By: Brouwerij Huyghe

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2007

Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Brewed In: Brusselse Steenweg 256, Melle, 9090, Belgium

ABV: 10%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - February 6, 2021
Great tasting and bold flavor that everyone needs to try at least once.
Saigoda profile pictureSaigoda - September 26, 2019
Just kept wishing I had bought the Nocturnum... profile - November 14, 2018
B-B+. Very big dried fruit and honey flavors. Light body and deceptive on the alcohol level.
bobbyhickory profile picturebobbyhickory - February 20, 2017
Pours a clear crimson with moderate white head. The aroma has a couple different things going on. At first it smelled like perfumey bubblegum and as it warmed a little bit it developed into orange peel with cherry hints. Fairly heavy body although the carbonation helps compensate. Sweet and delicious taste. Some slight spice notes from the yeast. Orange and cherry flavors I think. Overall really nice for a holiday beer. You probably can't drink a ton of it though between the strength and the heaviness. profile - January 15, 2017
Very strong but not overpowering, in my opinion. Bold taste with very little after taste. You will feel it by the end of the beer so watch out profile - January 1, 2017
Was expecting more. Just ok
xman profile picturexman - December 7, 2016
Really full bodied and complex. Sneaky high alcohol (10%). Doesn't taste very boozy. Like it a lot.
medjimmy profile picturemedjimmy - December 30, 2015
Dark red color but lighter than other Christmas beers. Slight aftertaste. Slight burn going down
Kenny-V profile pictureKenny-V - December 11, 2015
A little too strong
chillow profile picturechillow - August 3, 2015
This really morphs through a wide spectrum of robust tastes from start to finish - excellent!
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