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Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Inc. (Lion Little World Beverages / Kirin Holdings)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4406

Style: Belgian Dark Ale

Brewed In: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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tx_aggie profile picturetx_aggie - November 11, 2012
Nice hope it does not cause me a headache. profile - November 7, 2012
Rich complex dark beer
rocknrollover profile picturerocknrollover - October 23, 2012
Best when served ice cold! profile - October 17, 2012
Gman327 profile pictureGman327 - October 14, 2012
Very bold , very good !!!
Gman327 profile pictureGman327 - October 14, 2012
Had @ Greenville , Fall for Greenville with Rick. 10/2012. Very Good
thekentala profile picturethekentala - September 7, 2012
Has a nutty flavor
taylorglennscott@gmail.con profile picturetaylorglennscott@gmail.con - August 24, 2012
Had on my 21st birthday at basil's! Tasted like a mocha beer. Yum.
Beerlessfrog profile pictureBeerlessfrog - August 18, 2012
Very good darkness. Chocolatey.
andalkas profile pictureandalkas - August 10, 2012
Light smokey finish. Lighter than one would think
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