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Brewed By: Russian River Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1087

Style: American Wild Ale

Brewed In: 725 4th St, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, USA

ABV: 7%

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Image contributed by: robd003

Tasting Notes

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eagle_gwaihir profile pictureeagle_gwaihir - July 16, 2014
The next level of sour! Good grief they overdid it. Ashley: F
js149 profile picturejs149 - July 15, 2014
Easy drinking sour
davl22 profile picturedavl22 - July 11, 2014
Not what I expected but amazing nonetheless! Lighter bodied, amazing complexities, tart but not sharp acidity, perfectly balanced, The cherries linger on the palate for awhile, almost leaving a jolly rancher flavor, very well done profile - June 30, 2014
Russian River Co really nice sour beer..Mike agreed profile - June 20, 2014
Very sour. Light and refreshing. Would be great on a hot day. Probably a better last beer than a first beer. Kind of a strange aftertaste, but not unpleasant. Overall, I really like it, but you have to be in the mood for a very sour beer.
johnetimber profile picturejohnetimber - April 18, 2014
Tasty treat profile - March 10, 2014
I don't get it profile - February 2, 2014
Rock Hopster  profile pictureRock Hopster - January 17, 2014
Outside of Pliny, the best Russian River brew there is. Unbelievable sour!
edbish profile pictureedbish - January 12, 2014
Tried in sampler when in San Fran
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