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Brewed By: Pabst Brewing Company / G. Heileman Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 148

Style: American Adjunct Lager

Brewed In: 10635 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA

ABV: 5.20%

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Image contributed by: nachobulldog

Tasting Notes

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DetMartyHart profile pictureDetMartyHart - March 19, 2018
Bought this at a gas station downstate Illinois. Disgusting. Used it to cook brats.
Grendel profile pictureGrendel - October 28, 2016
It's just as bad as I remember it
Ackman profile pictureAckman - May 25, 2015
Classic old man beer
Stag QC Lab profile pictureStag QC Lab - September 1, 2014
prhubbard profile pictureprhubbard - May 24, 2013
Crap. I used to find junk like this in the creek behind the house as a kid in the '70s. Every Sat and Sun morning I'd collect the ravine beer party leftovers and this was the stuff ALWAYS left behind. I want my kidney back.