Brewed By: Coors Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 9162
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Brewed In: Colorado, United States
ABV: 5%
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Number of Ratings: 9162
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Brewed In: Colorado, United States
ABV: 5%
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Tasting Notes
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cbaker - May 29, 2019
Good beer. No aftertaste. Light and crisp.
Reebevoli - September 12, 2018
A good domestic brew to have in the fridge for whenever - April 7, 2018
F. No aroma or flavor, but a thicker body than the light version. 2011 tasting.
DetMartyHart - March 19, 2018
Colorado version of Old Style. Yuck. - May 8, 2017
better than expected - March 17, 2017
Besides the extra calories, I really enjoy a yellow belly. No bad after taste, and full of flavor.
pj60 - November 4, 2016
Ugh this is horrible stuff
FitchDrums - August 16, 2016
Slightly better than Coors Light.
The real Coop - July 23, 2016
Not bad but not good either. Like the retro stubby bottles
KalebTober - July 7, 2016
Close to coors light. Almost a bitter aftertaste though