St. Bernardus Abt 12
Brewed By: Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV
Number of Ratings: 5317
Style: Quadrupel (Quad)
Brewed In: Trappistenweg 23, Watou, 8978, Belgium
ABV: 10.50%
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Number of Ratings: 5317
Style: Quadrupel (Quad)
Brewed In: Trappistenweg 23, Watou, 8978, Belgium
ABV: 10.50%
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Tasting Notes
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Homer's Beer Odyssey - August 13, 2014
APPEARANCE - Opaque dark brown ale with a 2-finger light brown head that dissipates after awhile. Lacing is more a foamy film.
SMELL/AROMA/SCENT - Smoky, piney, sweet, a little citrus.
TASTE - Stout-like, smooth, not that smoky, herbaceous. ABV hidden by strong flavor.
MOUTHFEEL/PALATE/TEXTURE - Smooth, a bit of a creamy head. A little carbonation.
OVERALL/DRINKABILITY - I prefer the lighter quads over this, but it's a good drink nonetheless. Definitely quaffable.
rca.abrams - August 9, 2014
Good at first and then the aftertaste hits you and it's not good. Bleh. - July 23, 2014
This is great stuff
BishopX18 - July 19, 2014
Really good quad. Smooth and hides the high abv pretty well. Notes of fruits/raisins.
wittyhoppyname - July 19, 2014
Very tasty. Probably gonna knock me on my ass, though.
ChicagoToDallas - July 8, 2014
Nice dark colour. Burnt sugar, toast, caramel, bourbon cask, malty overtones and a smooth finish.. Really nice sipper.
NaH2DC - June 28, 2014
Too strong for me. You can taste the alcohol.
CannondaleTim - June 23, 2014
Good beer. Feels like a beer mousse when you drink it. Maybe champagne bubbley. It's not one of those expensive beers you open and taste and think s#!t I have to drink this! Went down nice and fast! - June 10, 2014
Full bodied not bitter. Less than a porter but more than an ale
rommelreno - June 1, 2014
Levemente amarga mas boa