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Brewed By: Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu GmbH (AB InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 967

Style: Munich Dunkel Lager

Brewed In: Mars Strasse 46-48, München, 80335, Germany

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: tjwhitta

Tasting Notes

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kcorrea profile picturekcorrea - March 1, 2012
Good flavor almost like a winter brau. Similar to Sam Adams winter ale.
shawndrakay profile pictureshawndrakay - December 4, 2011
Deep brown Newcastle
cmcnemar profile picturecmcnemar - November 18, 2011
Turns out the tour guide was right. Really malty, almost like Kaliber.
peeksmom profile picturepeeksmom - June 30, 2011
Smooth and dark from beginning to end.
lasvegasrealtor profile picturelasvegasrealtor - June 10, 2011
Sweet aroma. Chocolaty taste
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