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Brewed By: Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1626

Style: English Porter

Brewed In: Old Brewery High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9SB, England, UK

ABV: 5.0%

IBU: 20

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Samuel Smith

Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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Taco Fiend profile pictureTaco Fiend - November 22, 2012
Its a good, dark, sweet beer.
Kwatar profile pictureKwatar - November 16, 2012
Just the perfect amount of smoke and caramel flavors, nothing overpowering. The mouth feel is light as it should be, this is not a stout. One of the better porters out there, and a great example of the ideal porter taste profile. profile - November 4, 2012
Not sure i am qualified to rate this one as I have had very few English beers. Black like a stout. Light brown head refuses to die. Aroma of toasted malt, slightly nutty, nothing overwhelming. Soft comes to mind as the word for mouthfeel. Rather thin. Nothing lingers. I get mostly roasted malts, in a pleasant, not intense way. Is this the session porter I have been looking for? Perhaps...
Beerlessfrog profile pictureBeerlessfrog - September 29, 2012
Very good porter. Not too bitter. Very smooth on the back end.
changoborracho profile picturechangoborracho - September 12, 2012
A good beer, but not an everyday drinker. A little sour and slightly smokey.
Georgebeer profile pictureGeorgebeer - July 29, 2012
A light porter. Very drinkable. Not bitter or sweet nor anything distinctive
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - July 26, 2012
25JUL12, Flying Saucer, Nashville, TN Bottle Sweet, kinda hoppy aroma with a medium- thick mouthfeel. Flavor is chocalatey with some other malt flavors. Fairly dry on the finish. Doesn't pair as well witan the smoked porter does with the French dip. Creamy chocalatey taste. profile - July 16, 2012
Darkness 75 Rating 90 Page 15 profile - May 11, 2012
Well balanced with a tart toffee flavor. Subtly roasted with a little bit of hop flavor in the finnish.
Blake profile pictureBlake - January 6, 2012
Just a great beer! Lots of personal history.
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