Summer Ale
Brewed By: Boston Beer Company (Samuel Adams)
Number of Ratings: 13092
Style: American Summer Ale
Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA
ABV: 5.20%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 13092
Style: American Summer Ale
Brewed In: 30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130, USA
ABV: 5.20%
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Tasting Notes
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Beerguy33 - October 1, 2015
9/30/15 - 12 oz bottle into pint glass. Pours a cloudy yellowish gold color. 1/2" quickly dissipating head and light carbonation. Aroma is citrusy, yeasty, wheaty. Mouthfeel is light. Taste is lemon, yeast, malt, light sweetness and some spice.
Kegab31 - September 19, 2015
Very good beer
bluewaterconch - September 9, 2015
Nice fruity taste
Taq5 - August 16, 2015
Not a Sam Adams fan, but this is one of their better beers...
havock2 - August 15, 2015
Okay, but not one of my favorite SAMs - August 12, 2015
My favorite of the lemony summer ales. Easy to kill a six pack on a hot summer day
MrFrudtheBud - August 9, 2015
An "ok" beer. Citrus flavor is very noticeable, medium-heavy tasting. Beautiful color. Nice to have when you are relaxing outside. - August 8, 2015
Just great
Vaughny - August 3, 2015
Just ok. Not much flavor
mikesull - July 19, 2015
This is a big boy summer ale. Not nearly as fruity as the other summer brews out there - nice peppery overtone .