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Brewed By: Abbaye de Maredsous (Abbaye-Abdij)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 766

Style: Dubbel

Brewed In: Rue de Maredsous 11, Denée, 5537, Belgium

ABV: 8%

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Image contributed by: cmcnemar

Tasting Notes

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kcorrea profile picturekcorrea - March 7, 2012
Tastes like a Chimay blue without the fruit flavors. Would prefer a Chimay.
fastnbulbous profile picturefastnbulbous - February 25, 2012
Sweet, malty, loads of dark fruit, with a bit of alcohol on the breath.
witchal profile picturewitchal - February 24, 2012
Slightly sweet raisiny/musty note. Dry and crisp.
bugs318 profile picturebugs318 - December 21, 2011
Pours a nice, beige, creamy yet rocky head with solid retention and thick lace (the lace possibly being the finest I have ever seen as it erodes halfway upon movement with remarkable retention of the remainder). Beer is a beautiful deep red in colour. Aromas offer hints of fruity esters, especially of cherry and banana, alongside that yeasty/malty mixture of sweetened cloves and spices, and even a faint hint of licorice. The flavour is also sweet, but more balanced than is typical of the style with a strong dryness bordering on astringency. Flavourwise, one gets hints of raisin and sweet malty fruitiness, alongside lesser hints of cinnamon, caramel, and earthy-ness. It has a fairly thick body and interesting mouthfeel that mixes smooth creaminess with a prickly carbonation. All in all, a very good beer (though far from a Rochefort 8!)
Hamdog profile pictureHamdog - December 5, 2011
Smooth. A bit caramelly.
Not a Jellyfish profile pictureNot a Jellyfish - October 23, 2011
Complexly flavored. Dark tone with a tangy hint, almost like a yoghurt. Lovely. Would be excellent paired with mushrooms.
zaphoi profile picturezaphoi - October 19, 2011
Slightly sour nose. Taste of toffee and a slight amount of chocolate
a_Hawkins profile picturea_Hawkins - September 10, 2011
Good malt flavor with a light hop bite. Nice dry finish.
erasedforyou profile pictureerasedforyou - August 1, 2011
Aroma Sweet, raisin, slight Belgian yeast strain Taste Malty sweet bitter taste, raisin taste.
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