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Brewed By: Abbaye de Maredsous (Abbaye-Abdij)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 766

Style: Dubbel

Brewed In: Rue de Maredsous 11, Denée, 5537, Belgium

ABV: 8%

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Image contributed by: cmcnemar

Tasting Notes

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KnightRyder profile pictureKnightRyder - December 14, 2013
12-13-13 corp Xmas party profile - June 10, 2013
Bruin 8% - high fermentation Abbey Beer - dark and full with lovely lingering smooth aftertaste - a little sweetish and dark fruit with caramel flavours - the high alcohol not obvious - would go very well with spicier foods
unreticent profile pictureunreticent - June 1, 2013
Hearty, slightly sweet and filling Creamy mouthfeel
drevilz4l profile picturedrevilz4l - May 24, 2013
Very good dubble.
vishious  profile picturevishious - April 6, 2013
Figs, prunes and malt. Nice but not delicious.
pagnani  profile picturepagnani - March 13, 2013
Slightly more carbonation than I'd like- but figs, prune, classic Belgian Dubbel at 8% and McGlinchey's for 5.25 in a 20 ounce chalice- amazing
mania profile picturemania - February 15, 2013
Slightly fruity nose. Very sparkly on the mouth. Don't love the very malty aftertaste.
johnniepants profile picturejohnniepants - February 5, 2013
Light brown dubbel. Slight sweet taste with understated malts a bit heavy to drink but well worth it. A delicious treat.
jonpon profile picturejonpon - December 29, 2012
Tastes like magnum 44 markers
ishkybob profile pictureishkybob - December 21, 2012
Heady aroma, strong and malty. Raisin color, nice head with great lacing.
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