Lagunitas IPA
Brewed By: Lagunitas Brewing Company (Heineken International)
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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Tasting Notes
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mouland - February 11, 2012
Smells hoppy. Amber in color. No head. Very smooth and mild for an ipa
NattyBeck - February 3, 2012
2/3/12 on tap at Taveco. A shade below Sierra Nevada
aserafini - January 29, 2012
Big IPA, hoppy but not bitter, finishes with a bite
jboston - January 28, 2012
Floral & bitter. Strong malt at the end.
kiersten - January 26, 2012
Pretty intense but so much kick that I want to keep trying it.
nanite brewing - January 21, 2012
Poor ipa
cgiron - January 20, 2012
Copper colored with fluffy white two finger head that leaves a great deal of lace. Poured into Nonic glass.
Floral, pine and citrus aromas. Malt presence is felt but well balanced with hop pine and citrus notes. Medium body with active carbonation. Very drinkable. Will definitely have again.
drvmu1 - January 20, 2012
A very solid IPA. Not super hoppy.
lostpiper - January 18, 2012
Typical superly west coast hopped IPA. A good, but over-rendered version. - January 17, 2012
Good IPA. Like the holiday ale better because of the citrus flavor. Still good though would like abv at least 6 or more