Lagunitas IPA
Brewed By: Lagunitas Brewing Company (Heineken International)
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - December 30, 2012
Good but too fruity (grapefruit) for my taste - December 30, 2012
Floral hop nose when opened but taste not as floral
beerdouche420 - December 30, 2012
awesome another ipa that tastes like less acidic grapefruit juice. not very bitter but the hop flavor is strong
cocamide - December 23, 2012
Nose is off but taste is fine.
adamnem - December 20, 2012
A floral hoppy taste but not overwhelming. Easy going down.
Balli - December 3, 2012
Good hops and lots of carbonation. Pretty tasty! - November 19, 2012
Nice hoppy bite with plenty of flavor - November 18, 2012
Smooth and hoppy. But the hoppyness doesn't over power
Big Papi - November 13, 2012
Little pine with hints of grapefruit.
csalt - November 11, 2012
This is one of my go to beers. Solid fruity hop flavor and a great price for a bomber. Don't know why some say it's not very hoppy. Every time I drink it, it's a has a huge citrus hop flavor.