Lagunitas IPA
Brewed By: Lagunitas Brewing Company (Heineken International)
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 5659
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 1280 North McDowell, Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA
ABV: 6.2%
IBU: 51.5
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Tasting Notes
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andona - June 16, 2013
One of my staples. Great ipa.
cbonilla1122 - June 16, 2013
Solid IPA, slightly malty, not overly hoppy
ItisAnk - June 13, 2013
Simple, smooth, very hoppy, medium carbonation. - June 12, 2013
Great - June 6, 2013
Light and floral/fruity. Not super bitter
mbaver - May 31, 2013
Good ipa. Not too bitter. Would buy more.
beersnob622 - May 29, 2013
Citrusy, clean and well balanced w/ just the right amount of hops. Refreshing IPA...standard and always makes me smile. - May 29, 2013
Nicely balanced IPA. Hops are fruity and green. Excellent carbonation and lacing. Overall a good example of an American IPA.
omabrew - May 28, 2013
Love this beer, a standard to witch I rate all other IPA to and are often let down.
nevilleuhles - May 26, 2013
Very drinkable IPA without being too simple. Great hoppy flavor, but not too bitter. Love it!