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Brewed By: Lexington Brewing Co. / Alltech

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4906

Style: American Strong Ale

Brewed In: 401 Cross St, Lexington, KN 40508-2806, USA

ABV: 8.9%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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laurahallie profile picturelaurahallie - December 16, 2017
Oh my goodness. Butterscotch and honey linger on the palate with a lasting finish. Ever so slightly cloying on the finish by nearly perfect.
818MCS profile picture818MCS - August 5, 2017
Very smooth and a little sweet like honey profile - August 2, 2017
Great bourbon barrel beer. Bourbon flavor is not overly pronounced still taste like a beer and not like bad bourbon.
newbeergirl profile picturenewbeergirl - July 24, 2017
Smooth and rich
christine_wu profile picturechristine_wu - July 17, 2017
Sweet and rich in flavor.
lindy90 profile picturelindy90 - July 16, 2017
Great bourbon, oaky flavor profile - June 18, 2017
Very smooth and sweet. Bourbony
harrelsonfam profile pictureharrelsonfam - June 12, 2017
Tried at the Social Club Savannah, GA. Not hoppy. Both of us like it. profile - May 14, 2017
Perhaps my favorite beer. I am a bourbon drinker and appreciate the slight bourbon flavor. Very smooth ale.
usmcfire profile pictureusmcfire - May 6, 2017
Sweet with a nice bourbon flavor and a little alcohol heat. Not a fan of the sweetness hence the rating. Bottle at home.
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