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Brewed By: Miller Brewing Co. / SABMiller

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 5649

Style: American Light Lager

Brewed In: Wisconsin, United States

ABV: 4.50%

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Image contributed by: dwagner11

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - July 11, 2017
Tastes kind of like shit, if you're into that kind of thing.
silentmikepa profile picturesilentmikepa - August 30, 2016
A little watery
prossdog profile pictureprossdog - June 16, 2016
Urine. Flush it.
NoXcuses732 profile pictureNoXcuses732 - January 19, 2016
Pretty light
Virg, Sr. profile pictureVirg, Sr. - January 3, 2016
Wouldn't wish this on an enemy.
nathanbrown profile picturenathanbrown - September 5, 2014
Completely underrated beer. Great drinking beer, doubt the other raters have even tried it.
redchuck1964 profile pictureredchuck1964 - February 14, 2014
I thought this was to rate beer?!?
slickwillie1980 profile pictureslickwillie1980 - February 4, 2014
Cheap beer that is great if your super young and can't afford anything. Otherwise gross!
JJKing profile pictureJJKing - January 8, 2014
Actually really enjoyable, especially from a bottle.
kjoseph80 profile picturekjoseph80 - May 13, 2013
Just a cheap beer
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