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Brewed By: Great Divide Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2069

Style: American Double / Imperial IPA (DIPA / IIPA)

Brewed In: 2201 Arapahoe Street, Denver, CO 80205, USA

ABV: 10%

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Image contributed by: jonjake

Tasting Notes

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Dawgvet profile pictureDawgvet - August 14, 2015
Balanced beer. Sweet beginning with a mild hop ending
jmile profile picturejmile - August 1, 2015
Great south drinkable double with good hops not sweet profile - July 27, 2015
Fathers Day present
raevan  profile pictureraevan - July 1, 2015
Nice, strong hoppy IPA. profile - June 7, 2015
I like it but it's on the far end of almost too much hops for me profile - May 31, 2015
Another solid IPA from GDB at first a little boozy, awesome nose, but then the high alc. Kicks in. What a great finish. Definitely leaves u wantin' more. 4-1/2-Stars. (Popped a top) profile - May 24, 2015
Great hop taste and bitterness. Enough sweetness to hold it profile - May 23, 2015
B. Not enough hop aroma for me, big malt and enough bitterness for balance. Not very complex.
Pedestria profile picturePedestria - February 21, 2015
I don't often associate beers with their names much, but there is something so strong and above others this beer just makes me want to say "Wow!" So complex, so strong, yet so seemingly above competing IPAs. Strong, full, syrupy, and irresistible. Notes of,— I don't know— dried fruit?. Love it. Bottle Chicago 2/2015
eluvah profile pictureeluvah - January 11, 2015
Not a lot of typical hop aroma. Label says malt balances the hops, I think it takes the hops away. I won't drink this again.
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