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Brewed By: New Glarus Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 248

Style: American Coffee Stout

Brewed In: 2400 WI-69, New Glarus, WI 53574, USA

ABV: 5.75%

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Coffee Stout

Image contributed by: Logobot

Tasting Notes

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Cardinal Tony profile pictureCardinal Tony - June 4, 2016
Smooth profile - March 26, 2016
Chocolate. Coffee. Medium bodied. Creamy. profile - March 12, 2016
That's terrible. Thin and a horrible taste
jkpuckhead profile picturejkpuckhead - February 27, 2016
Awesome coffee stout
itstimmy profile pictureitstimmy - April 9, 2014
It's ok. Generally a fan of New Glarus Brewing's beers, but this one fell short. Enough coffee flavor, but lacks that silky taste/finish desired in a Coffee Stout.
CMP0819 profile pictureCMP0819 - March 29, 2014
Good but nothing special.
rmil81 profile picturermil81 - March 9, 2013
Little light, but still a solid stout.
Jupes profile pictureJupes - July 21, 2012
One of my favorite stouts - a plethora of flavors come through with coffee dominating.