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Brewed By: Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 971

Style: Belgian Christmas Ale / Bière de Noël

Brewed In: Trappistenweg 23, Watou, 8978, Belgium

ABV: 10%

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Image contributed by: Keggernaut

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - December 26, 2015
Very nice. Smooth flavors with no bitter aftertaste. Put this on your christmas list.
xman profile picturexman - December 25, 2015
Chocolate, gingerbread, spicy Very good profile - December 8, 2015
L: dark brown; hints of haze when looking through the light; no head but a thin ring of foam around the glass perimeter S: light aroma of the typical Belgian yeast; hints of grapes; possibly other dark fruit like raisins but not very much T: grapes, raisins, typical Belgian yeast esther; not overly sweet like a Tripel; tart but not like a sour; slight alcohol presence M: light to medium body; medium carbonation O: typical Belgian ale but one of the least offensive Belgians I've had profile - October 29, 2015
Not bad. A little boozy. Spice for sure.
Majors1186 profile pictureMajors1186 - May 21, 2015
Strong Belgian ale with a nice spiced taste. Definitely reminds of a nice winter drink. Very smooth with not much of a hint of the 10% ABV. Not the best St. Bernardus but worth a try.
StuManGroup profile pictureStuManGroup - February 8, 2015
First had at Joeys on 124th and Capitol profile - January 17, 2015
A- to B+. Very complex Belgian style, not real sweet or dry, has spicy flavor, malty aroma and no hot alcohol aroma or taste. profile - January 4, 2015
Excellent winter ale.
boltach profile pictureboltach - December 28, 2014
I don't's pours with tons of head. Tastes like a decent ale. I think it's average
Jrriley profile pictureJrriley - December 22, 2014
Superb Christmas Ale. Nice balanced spices,
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