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Brewed By: Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1068

Style: English Barleywine

Brewed In: 905 Line St, Easton, PA 18042, USA

ABV: 11.10%

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Image contributed by: trentsmith82

Tasting Notes

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FabAru profile pictureFabAru - December 17, 2020
Aged for a month shy of three years and this was a brilliant move. BI improved immeasurably. Off the assembly line its good, yet too astringent. The hops bite too hard. With the aging, the edge is taken off, and it vaults to world class status. Sweet, toffee, rich, fully body. Holy blithering! To be honest, I was worried that three years wouldnt be enough aging, but it proved to be just right. profile - March 19, 2018
Nice, smooth beer with a nutty flavor and hints of fruit. A super barleywine. profile - June 22, 2017
Ry guys place
ariess profile pictureariess - February 10, 2017
Strong ale
3milyJean profile picture3milyJean - January 14, 2017
Strong dry wine flavor with a nutty ale aftertaste. Not a particularly good combination.
rcarlson7 profile picturercarlson7 - January 3, 2017
Sweet, tart, malty, strong alcohol taste
ohnoimonfire1 profile pictureohnoimonfire1 - December 28, 2016
SRM19. Foamy head with poor retention in tulip glass. Sweet fruity aroma. Apple cider consistency. Moderate alcohol taste despite high content and sweet taste. Very little bitterness but alcohol bite lasts on tongue for awhile. Not bad profile - December 14, 2016
Very good example of this type of brew. Sweet, thick, dark fruit and alcohol flavors all mix well and surprisingly smooth.
nil profile picturenil - December 4, 2016
Like a hoppy toffee coffee; great malt and caramel delicately balanced with just enough juicy hop bitterness.
lola profile picturelola - November 4, 2016
Didn't love But have had worse
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