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Brewed By: Weyerbacher Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1068

Style: English Barleywine

Brewed In: 905 Line St, Easton, PA 18042, USA

ABV: 11.10%

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Image contributed by: trentsmith82

Tasting Notes

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JerryThao profile pictureJerryThao - February 12, 2016
Sweet, strong alcohol taste, pine, dark liquor taste profile - January 16, 2016
Very drinkable...nice caramelized fig flavour.. Lovely colour
Cellar Dweller profile pictureCellar Dweller - January 7, 2016
Big beer! Pours dark brown with just a wisp of tan head. Smells of plum and oak. Tastes of cherries, plum, oak and brown sugar. Significant alcohol makes its presence known. Nice barley wine! profile - November 23, 2015
It's not bad but I've had better barley wine
eddieboy1060 profile pictureeddieboy1060 - November 2, 2015
Too strong and too bitter. Not smooth and sweet like other barley wines.
BabarLabiar profile pictureBabarLabiar - August 24, 2015
Very pungent in taste. Licorice like. perhaps the flavors will settle better with age. profile - August 22, 2015
Little bit of grape flavor. Well-hidden alcohol.
spartan_andrew profile picturespartan_andrew - May 25, 2015
Lots of currant and raisin. Little bit of alcohol on the finish. Smooth and strong!
kbuffo profile picturekbuffo - March 8, 2015
Solid textbook barleywine
ProfessorJeff profile pictureProfessorJeff - March 1, 2015
Revised: the date and fig almost give it a quadruple feel and taste.
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