Behemoth Blonde Barleywine
Brewed By: 3 Floyds Brewing Co.
Number of Ratings: 190
Style: American Barleywine
Brewed In: 9750 Indiana Pkwy, Munster, IN 46321, USA
ABV: 12.50%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 190
Style: American Barleywine
Brewed In: 9750 Indiana Pkwy, Munster, IN 46321, USA
ABV: 12.50%
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Tasting Notes
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FabAru - August 31, 2019
Quite a good barleywine that is ready to drink right away. Does not need aging as the hops are not over the top pungent and harsh. Classic barleywine flavor. Mellow enough (for a barleywine) to down the whole bomber in a sitting. Who is the numbskull that added blonde to the beers name? Typically overpriced for a Three Floyds.
dlitolff - September 4, 2015
Cloudy amber, finger off white head, plenty lace. Caramel sweet aroma. Taste is sweet caramel malt balanced by some earthy hop goodness. Silky smooth feel with a dry finish. Love this Barleywine! Bottle, September 2015.
a hungri bear - February 27, 2014
26FEB14, Holy Grale, Louisville, KY
Draft, snifter
Pours dark brownish with off white head. Aroma is a little sweet and almost hoppy in a sweet citrusy kind of way. Holy balloon makers, this doesn't taste boozy at all. Flavor is sweet, a bit citrusy with a hint of grass, and finishes light, a slight tad bitter, and refreshing. Mouthfeel is smooth and carbonation is deceptively high. Finish is wet until it becomes suddenly dry halfway through. Also awesome. Would drink again.
furnish112 - February 6, 2014
Amazing. No way to describe, need to try it.
BrandonMelton - February 6, 2013
Rating: A - July 17, 2012
2011 vintage
thechasm442 - February 27, 2012
2012 bottle in a duvel glass.
Nice deep amber/copper color. One inch head that lingers and never quite completely goes away. Nice lacing.
The aroma is fruity. I picked up pineapple, plum, citrus, and mild alcohol. This beer is well hopped.
The flavor is instantly sweet with a great hop burst. There are dark fruit flavors that mix with a slight toffee flavor and strong malt body. The alcohol is more apparent as the beer warms.
Overall this is an awesome barley wine and I will drink again and again. Probably my second favorite winter beer.