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Brewed By: Anchor Brewing Company (Sapporo USA) - CLOSED

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2746

Style: American Pale Ale (APA)

Brewed In: 1705 Mariposa St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

ABV: 5.9%

IBU: 45

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - February 5, 2014
Nice golden amber color and a nice hoppy taste and aroma
bears1985 profile picturebears1985 - February 5, 2014
Yes it's good
cocamide profile picturecocamide - November 26, 2013
Stone fruit aroma, like a very ripe peach. Similar flavor, bitter finish.
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - November 15, 2013
14NOV13, Flanagan's, Louisville, KY Draft, pint Slightly hazy golden color with a finger of white head that dissipates to a very thick film. Farmhouse hop aroma. Hop flavor is mild yet prevalent. A little yeasty with some citrus. It's very thin, like they took Anchor Steam and just over hopped it. profile - November 4, 2013
Three stars b/c it is an ale that's not gross.
littlesam1 profile picturelittlesam1 - October 21, 2013
I am not a big fan of IPA 's or hoops. But this isn't bad. It's a lighter IPA. Nice amber color
1beer007 profile picture1beer007 - October 9, 2013
Like a Sam Adams Boston Lager, but not nearly as much bitterness.
novicebeerguy9999 profile picturenovicebeerguy9999 - October 7, 2013
Hoppy profile - October 1, 2013
LIGHT AMBER ALE profile - September 28, 2013
A "light" hoppy ale
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