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Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 3037

Style: American Barleywine

Brewed In: 1075 E 20th St, Chico, CA 95928, USA

ABV: 9.60%

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Image contributed by: AngusMcCloud

Tasting Notes

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frothyhead42 profile picturefrothyhead42 - December 26, 2015
Good easy to drink profile - July 27, 2015
B-. Kind of harsh when young, but great with age. 2009=A with sherry notes. 2019 seems a bit more mellow 4-9-19 as far as bitter hops, loads of malty caramel and alcohol in the aroma, mild floral hops.
CraftBeerMarathon profile pictureCraftBeerMarathon - July 17, 2015
Delicious, complex hoppy malty beast. profile - June 26, 2015
Not crazy 'bout barleywine beers, but this one was great. Good balance, not boozy at all, hidden nicely, and not overpowering. Great finish/aftertaste. 4-Stars(Enjoyed on tap)
SixPack87 profile pictureSixPack87 - June 14, 2015
Found out I don't like Barleywine Style beer.
jberryhill7 profile picturejberryhill7 - June 4, 2015
Def got some kick to it
Beerguy33 profile pictureBeerguy33 - June 4, 2015
22 oz bottle into a tulip glass. Pours a dark nutty brown with light carbonation. Not good head retention but decent lacing. Mouthfeel is rich and heavy. At 9.6 % this is a strong brew. Aroma is heavy on toasted malt and caramel. Taste is smoky malts with a resiny hop kick. Maybe even some Bourbon in there. Finish is very bitter and the high alcohol content is obvious. First Barleywine I've ever had. Not a big fan, too hoppy and too strong for me. Maybe I'll try it again some time in the future to see if my tastes change. Until then, I won't be drinking this again anytime soon.
lindsbian profile picturelindsbian - May 26, 2015
Lots of dill lingering.
aceofspades profile pictureaceofspades - May 19, 2015
More hoppy than expected.
naadaanaadaa' - May 8, 2015
Dark and it.
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