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Brewed By: Harviestoun Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 677

Style: English Porter

Brewed In: Alva Industrial Estate, Alva, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FK12 5DQ, UK

ABV: 6.0%

IBU: 25

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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mrd775 profile picturemrd775 - October 15, 2013
This is a really good brew. Silky smooth with nice coffee and chocolate notes. I could easily put down a few of these.
jb0707 profile picturejb0707 - September 12, 2013
Smooth and deliciously dark with a nice mix of chocolate and coffee. Dark yet not overly heavy. I loved this one!
Higgsyboy profile pictureHiggsyboy - August 9, 2013
Very smooth, well balanced black ale, with chocolate notes. No overpowering scents or tastes. Easy to have a few. 6% ABV.
Yerfpuppy profile pictureYerfpuppy - July 4, 2013
I have this in the cellar profile - June 16, 2013
Chocolate coffee flavor Open let sit serve warm profile - May 25, 2013
Really nice brew.
jeffacarp profile picturejeffacarp - March 22, 2013
Opaque black color, tan head, roasty Malts, with subtle coffee undertones
Lochrie profile pictureLochrie - December 25, 2012
Despite its name, not too heavy. A little chocolaty.
beerdouche420 profile picturebeerdouche420 - November 23, 2012
dis shit right here is tasty as a monkey's nut. it's spicy with a subtle chocolate hit at the back and it's not too heavy so i can have like a 12 pack. holla.
quara0 profile picturequara0 - July 20, 2012
Excellent dark caramel flavor with a bitter aftertaste.
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