The Immortal IPA
Brewed By: Elysian Brewing Company (Anheuser-Busch InBev)
Number of Ratings: 752
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 6010 Airport Way S. Seattle, WA 98108, USA
ABV: 6.21%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 752
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 6010 Airport Way S. Seattle, WA 98108, USA
ABV: 6.21%
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Tasting Notes
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ImGodsfavorite - December 18, 2018
Piney and bitter. Decent IPA of this style
LP1 - March 26, 2018
Too bitter. Really all I can say about this one.
Ricker888 - September 3, 2017
Had this on three different nights and on two I liked it but once did not. Pretty smooth overall. I would probably get again.
Dead Guy 23 - August 17, 2017
Great balance of malt and hops. Fairly bold but playful hop background
clipinski13 - July 6, 2017
Well-balanced and flavorful. Great hop flavor and aroma.
ajvin060 - June 17, 2017
Piney with earthy tones and clean with good amount of hops. Good hoppy finish.
MEver - June 3, 2017
Very good.
Xenobia - May 30, 2017
Very bitter with pine notes. Unfortunately, for me the aftertaste is just bitter. I purchased this at the Express Stop in Bowling Green, OH.
mellowman - April 28, 2017
Hoppy and crisp with slight malt taste. 27Apr2017 - April 14, 2017
Pretty good for the English style