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Brewed By: Elysian Brewing Company (Anheuser-Busch InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 752

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 6010 Airport Way S. Seattle, WA 98108, USA

ABV: 6.21%

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Tasting Notes

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Mattmo profile pictureMattmo - August 24, 2014
Good go to IPA. Nice hop aroma in the glass. Well balance bitter, flavor , and aroma hops
Vikster profile pictureVikster - May 30, 2014
Pretty good IPA. Golden color with a slight bitter bite.
drmiles profile picturedrmiles - March 27, 2014
Really good but wish it was hoppier?
elketonis profile pictureelketonis - January 3, 2014
Perfect citrus ipa
wswinehart profile picturewswinehart - November 21, 2013
crisp. more like a pale ale. no lacing. slight aftertaste
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - October 14, 2013
Nice bitter and hoppy IPA. Subtle hint of grapefruit rind. Had at the Indian restaurant in Portland, OR.
mleymon profile picturemleymon - September 24, 2013
65 ibu. What's not to like great beer profile - September 1, 2013
It was okay, but I wouldn't pick it if there is something I like more. [Joey]: Good. 4 stars. profile - August 29, 2013
A lot like sweetwater ipa
cgiron profile picturecgiron - July 8, 2013
Bright golden body w/ white head. Citrus floral nose. Malt backbone balances well with grapefruit, hoppy pine flavors. Excellent.
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