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Brewed By: Elysian Brewing Company (Anheuser-Busch InBev)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 752

Style: American IPA

Brewed In: 6010 Airport Way S. Seattle, WA 98108, USA

ABV: 6.21%

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Tasting Notes

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slinklater profile pictureslinklater - July 25, 2012
If I want a standard ipa it's more affordable than dogfish 60 or 90 and very solid
leelu62 profile pictureleelu62 - July 9, 2012
Aromatic mouth feel nice finish but something left to be desired about the complexity
Derek  profile pictureDerek - April 10, 2012
Pretty good ipa. I'd have again.
dumpsterhead profile picturedumpsterhead - March 11, 2012
Easy IPA, good for beginners.
celiadb profile pictureceliadb - January 22, 2012
Similar to men's room from what I remember.
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