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Brewed By: Victory Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1047

Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest / Festbier

Brewed In: 420 Acorn Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA

ABV: 5.60%

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Image contributed by: gable

Tasting Notes

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Masucci profile pictureMasucci - September 9, 2012
Malty and smooth. Sort of a bonfire taste. Perfect Autumn beer.
Masucci profile pictureMasucci - September 9, 2012
Very malty, very smooth. Warm-tasting beer. Perfect for Autumn.
Masucci profile pictureMasucci - September 9, 2012
Very malty, very smooth. Warm-tasting beer. Perfect for Autumn.
clint profile pictureclint - September 8, 2012
Good for what it is.
cgiron profile picturecgiron - February 3, 2012
Amber orange colored pour into pint glass produces off-white head with moderate lacing left behind. Aromas include caramel, nuts, and cinnamon. Flavors reflect the nose and are nicely balanced. Sweet malt is simply delicious. Medium body with mild carbonation. Extremely drinkable and enjoyable beer that I truly enjoyed and would seek again.
cberg513 profile picturecberg513 - December 21, 2011
Very drinkable amber, slightly spicy finish
cberg513 profile picturecberg513 - December 20, 2011
A solid, drinkable amber. Light with a little spice
cuttsjp profile picturecuttsjp - October 7, 2011
Beautiful light orange amber color with an off-white head that dissipates somewhat quickly. Nutty, caramel sweetness in aroma and in flavor, with little notes of cinnamon in the finish, when is clean and pleasant. A really wonderful, balanced, well-rounded beer. Great example of the style, one that is not altogether easy to replicate without it being too boring. Delicious. Would definitely buy again when in an Oktoberfest mood.
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