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Brewed By: Victory Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1047

Style: Märzen / Oktoberfest / Festbier

Brewed In: 420 Acorn Lane, Downingtown, PA 19335, USA

ABV: 5.60%

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Image contributed by: gable

Tasting Notes

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Dr Why profile pictureDr Why - November 12, 2022
Not bad?.but not as good as other American Marzens?hello Sam Adams. caramel malt with a hoppy aftertaste. Really wish App Developer would get the punctuation issues fixed!
usmcfire profile pictureusmcfire - February 21, 2019
Flat with a lot of malt flavor. Got a bit sweet as it warmed. Needed a little more carbonation. Bottle to glass at home.
cbonilla1122 profile picturecbonilla1122 - October 12, 2018
A bit flat to start but decent malt & bitter on finish...ok...
silentmikepa profile picturesilentmikepa - September 14, 2016
A little dark and flat for my taste but not a bad Amber lager
oKC profile pictureoKC - December 9, 2015
Not a bad O'Fest but the "kiss of hops" described on the label is more of a hug.
mlcotcher profile picturemlcotcher - November 17, 2015
Not at all a representation of Germsn-style fests, but for the American-style, it's very good. Lots of caramel & malt.
Arcticnerd profile pictureArcticnerd - September 27, 2015
Strong malt taste. Lingering aftertaste
eubo72 profile pictureeubo72 - September 1, 2015
Deep amber, sweet and flavorful, malty
ImGodsfavorite profile pictureImGodsfavorite - August 23, 2015
Too much roasted malt flavor. Not very authentic marzen.
bromhunter profile picturebromhunter - December 2, 2014
Smooth with good finish and good after taste
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