Brewed By: Great Divide Brewing Company
Number of Ratings: 966
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
Brewed In: 2201 Arapahoe Street, Denver, CO 80205, USA
ABV: 7.70%
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Number of Ratings: 966
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
Brewed In: 2201 Arapahoe Street, Denver, CO 80205, USA
ABV: 7.70%
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Tasting Notes
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davl22 - April 27, 2014
Pretty chocolately malt for a scotch ale, wouldn't say it's dead on for the style but very tasty. Almost a blend of a brown and scotch ale.
brainstew - April 23, 2014
A dark beer with a deep ruby color to it. Smells of chocolate maybe a bit of a Carmel. I can smell the malty sweetness to it. Maybe a thinner mouthfeel than I would expect from this beer but not in a bad way. A sweet maltiness which is toned down only slightly by some mild hops. Great beer. I'll take another.
gmagcolorado - April 19, 2014
A nice wee heavy, maybe one of my favorites along with 90 Shilling and Plaid Bastard.
mrd775 - January 11, 2014
Really an outstanding brew. Nice and hearty. Big malt sweetness with a nice earthy profile. Great example of the style and very easy to drink. - January 7, 2014
Malty; can taste alcohol
dibailey - December 15, 2013
A heavy, hearty beer that goes well with a hearty meal on a cold day.
bould170 - November 22, 2013
Very dark and caramelly. Sweet and malty with subtly supporting hops. A solid wee heavy - July 27, 2013
Too heavy for my taste. - July 24, 2013
Quite smooth. Slight sweet taste at first sip, pleasant not overwhelming.
sprindle - July 23, 2013
Classic Scotch Ale. High octane, on the sweet side, coffee aftertaste