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Brewed By: The Eagle Brewery / Wells & Young's Brewing Company (Damm S.A.)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 6020

Style: English Coffee Chocolate Stout

Brewed In: The Brewery, Haverlock Street, Bedford, MK40 4LU, England, UK

ABV: 5.20%

IBU: 32

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - January 1, 2014
12/25 nice and bold Went we'll with breakfast at noon
tinalakepia profile picturetinalakepia - December 23, 2013
Good. Refreshing. On nitrogen! Not thick or heavy.
bmiller108 profile picturebmiller108 - December 9, 2013
I use a cup of this with a cup of mayonnaise to baste the Thanksgiving Turkey. It is awesome and then I enjoy the remainder of the bottle!
prhubbard profile pictureprhubbard - December 8, 2013
Way back when I was a wee drip my dentist (a sadistic bastard who could work miracles) would often chastise me relentlessly for eating too much chocolate. No doubt if the bastard was still living he would further nag me for indulging in such enamel-compromising chocolaty treat as this. Yum!
BDYDB profile pictureBDYDB - November 24, 2013
Choco-LOTS. Very chocolate & delicious
strydepc profile picturestrydepc - November 21, 2013
Like Guinness but chocolatier
mavenjay profile picturemavenjay - November 19, 2013
Bitter start that lasts through the finish. Picks up some chocolate at the end. Kind of watery for a stout. Prefer a Russian Imperial Stout.
bsbowlan profile picturebsbowlan - November 15, 2013
Expected more chocolate. I thought it was average. Quite bitter at first but eases out of that into a light chocolate but certainly not "double".
fmk profile picturefmk - October 28, 2013
One of my favorites. Dark and sweet!
cmp8254 profile picturecmp8254 - October 27, 2013
Good tasting with a strong chocolate smell, but not distinctive taste.
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