Wipeout IPA
Brewed By: Pizza Port (Port Brewing Company)
Number of Ratings: 735
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 135 N. Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA 90725, USA
ABV: 7.0%
IBU: 78
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 735
Style: American IPA
Brewed In: 135 N. Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA 90725, USA
ABV: 7.0%
IBU: 78
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Tasting Notes
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kkazlowski - June 6, 2013
Hoppy but smooth and well-rounded. Nice balance and finish, with a light medium body.
DaxAttack - March 31, 2013
Simple single ipa smell. Hop. Fresh. Taste is very bitter, grapefruit and flowers on the aftertaste. Lasts, great moth feel. A surprisingly great ipa for its price and accessibility
rushriver - March 30, 2013
Great IPA taste. Hops create an awesome taste.
Big Alsie - February 23, 2013
Hoppy and bitter yet refreshing. Delicious west coast ipa. Great value. Delicious.
Whitezero - February 11, 2013
Nice hoppy and butter. Great IPA!
shetlandshaun - January 26, 2013
Bitter and mild hop but also light and not to heavy making it quite refreshing on the tongue. Very enjoyable
ericandrew001 - December 29, 2012
Mmmm. Bitter, Floral, and piney. Crisp, and not too heavy.
jboston - October 7, 2012
So good!!! Bitter, not too sweet.
Mac17 - August 23, 2012
Very good IPA. Super foamy. Might have been the glass on my end. Slightly unbalanced with not enough citrus balancing the hops. But pretty damn good. Would. Have again.
tuffgong - August 7, 2012
Very good west coast session IPA. Tasty, pretty crisp. Very drinkable. There are a few better choices, but I'd happily drink this beer.