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Brewed By: Avery Brewing Company

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 2823

Style: Witbier

Brewed In: 4910 Nautilus Ct N, Boulder, CO 80301, USA

ABV: 5.50%

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Image contributed by: CHills

Tasting Notes

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stevenjclinton@gmail.con profile picturestevenjclinton@gmail.con - July 12, 2013
Solid beer but its a white finish and there's a reason I'm not big on white beers.
bighurt935 profile picturebighurt935 - July 12, 2013
Pretty good, not great. 3.1
a hungri bear profile picturea hungri bear - July 1, 2013
30JUN13, Flanagan's, Louisville, KY 12oz, goblet Pours a cloudy golden yellow color. Starts with a small amount of white head which dissipates to a thin film. Has a sweet, slightly lemony, definitely citrusy aroma, which follows through to the flavor. The taste is very well balanced. It's very enjoyable. A bit citrusy for a witbier. Still very good.
jjcarswell profile picturejjcarswell - June 30, 2013
Serviceable hefeweizen, a little lighter than I prefer; easy to drink, good for hot days in summer; growler from Whole Foods
gmagcolorado profile picturegmagcolorado - June 30, 2013
Light and a little watery, I prefer Hoegaarden for Belgian white category.
Higgsyboy profile pictureHiggsyboy - June 25, 2013
Light, refreshing, not too sweet. Great for a hot day. The carbonation and spices balance well with the wheat. Would get again during summer days.
cwlodyka profile picturecwlodyka - June 6, 2013
I'm not a bog wheat beer guy but this is balanced... A little sweet, a little hint of yeast, and quite refreshing. A good summer beer and solid contrast after a double IPA. profile - June 4, 2013
Light bodied and slightly cloudy. Light flavor but with good spice notes. Very good summer beer!
steveBeer profile picturesteveBeer - April 25, 2013
Thin and light weight. Fizzy and refreshing mouth feel. Slightly sweet and tangy at first. After taste is dry and citrus. Very tasty beer. Like Hoegarden, but less of an orange taste and with finer carbonation. Would buy again. 12 oz. aluminum can in mixer pack. ~$1.75/can. profile - April 13, 2013
Kinda like hoegardden
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