Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)
Number of Ratings: 862
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 862
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
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NieceyB - November 24, 2012
Tastes like strawberry soda that has gone bad & fermented. Kind of sour aroma & flavor, strong strawberry notes. Not a fan.
cgiron - November 22, 2012
Reddish copper hue w/ thin white head. Fruity cider-like aromas & strawberry, honey flavors ending w/ nice crisp tart finish. Light bodied & well-carbonated.
oakley15ma - November 17, 2012
Very different , yet very good... Not for everyone tho... Seasonal too
beav12974 - November 3, 2012
Reddish hue with a quickly dying head, taste is very light with a hint of strawberry and honey, more tart than sweet, dry aftertaste, reminds me more of a wine cooler than a beer, but not bad
mperugini523 - October 10, 2012
Very bad -- I actually couldn't finish it. The after taste is just awful and lingers.
mattyjohnson4 - September 24, 2012
Big fan of Dogfish Head and don't like to commit this cardinal sin, but this one was a dumper. Nose was pleasant with hints of strawberry. Weak mouthfeel. Average carbonation. Tasted like airplane glue with a hint of strawberries. Not recommended.
TrevorT - August 29, 2012
Not for me. Color is a strawberry gold with a vary bubbly, zero lace white head. The aroma is a sweet strawberry wine with a crisp cider tartness. The taste is a dry berry, flat berry wine with zero taste of sorghum or anything that would be considered beer. 1.5 of 5 stars. - August 28, 2012
Decent but not as good as abita strawberry. - August 15, 2012
Almost a fruity wine like texture and taste. It's very fruity but for being gluten free it's very enjoyable.
manimal - August 11, 2012
Taste kinda like grape juice at the beginning