Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)
Number of Ratings: 862
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 862
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA
ABV: 6%
People Who Liked This Beer Also Liked:We don't have enough ratings to say what beers are similar.
Tasting Notes
Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. - August 9, 2014
A little too a syrup note - August 1, 2014
It's gluten free. Small trace of strawberry. I think I'll only have one
Mapwhap - July 30, 2014
This is not beer. This is crap. End of review.
NavyGuyAN - July 17, 2014
First sip tastes like a pear-cider immediately turning into a red wine after taste. A very confusing beer.
Cellar Dweller - May 11, 2014
Like a weak wine cooler.
keep1019 - May 3, 2014
Not quite sure what to make of the taste. Its not too sweet, and I don't dislike it, but it hits my tastebuds in an unexpected way that kind of confuses me.
Cheyne - April 5, 2014
Too light for me. Not a lot of flavor
Tisen90 - March 26, 2014
Tastes like a pretty crisp ale to start, then finishes with a moderate honey flavor, which gives it somewhat of a wine taste. I really had to search for the strawberry. I'm not a wine fan, so the lack of strawberry and apparent similarity to wine really turned me off.
blue4n3 - February 18, 2014
Extremely carbonated. Aftertaste is disconcerting. Enjoyable over time but not one of dogfish brewery finer moments.
hiflyr2010 - February 9, 2014
Very sweet when it first hits the tongue, not much too it after that