Sofie (2011)
Brewed By: Goose Island Beer Co. (Anheuser-Busch InBev)
Number of Ratings: 2293
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewed In: 1800 West Fulton St. Chicago, IL 60612, USA
ABV: 6.5%
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You must be signed in to rate beers or receive recommendations.Average Rating:
Number of Ratings: 2293
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Brewed In: 1800 West Fulton St. Chicago, IL 60612, USA
ABV: 6.5%
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Tasting Notes
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Ravacade - April 12, 2014
I like the new Goose Island beers but this one not so impressive.
ZJBflight - March 21, 2014
Fruity spicy yeasty nose. Very Belgian. Light good color that's clear with some yeast suspended. Crisp dry mouthfeel. Citrus flavors with some apple. Great after taste, sweet and tangy with some yeast spicyness. Champagne like carbonation.
jott1972 - March 8, 2014
Hesitant to try but happy I did light but has a nice citrus hoppy taste very good beer perfect for spring and summer - March 3, 2014
Purple Haze goat cheese
Senor Hopolot - February 26, 2014
Like a summer hops beer. Not a fan.
kingman-budman - February 9, 2014
Was at a beer tasting and pairing event and it's 7 hours into the day, have tried 50 different brands and when I sampled this I went around the room and begged for any leftovers,, great aroma has a fruity smell citrus beginning and a very smooth finish. I highly recogmend
KnightRyder - January 18, 2014
01-09-14 The Pub in Monte Carlo casino
FlyinHawaiian - December 23, 2013
Great citrus smell. However I was thoroughly disappointed with the taste. It was almost skunky. Maybe a bad bottle, but definitely not what I was hoping for.
SemperFly - December 21, 2013
I'm trying to get Brew Gene to allow me to add Matilda to my Cellar, but so far, no go. It's a Belgian style Pe Ale, with citrus notes in the nose, a fresh, clean taste, hints of pear, all delicious. Watching UMass play FSU.
daakness - December 15, 2013
Light crisp fruity applely finish a bolder hoegarde! Very drinkable very good!