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Brewed By: New Belgium Brewing Inc. (Lion Little World Beverages / Kirin Holdings)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1530

Style: American Blonde Ale

Brewed In: 500 Linden Street Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA

ABV: 4.20%

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Image contributed by: coop3dw2

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - July 12, 2014
Not bad. Pretty good taste. profile - June 4, 2014
Smooth good blonde. I could drink this all day.
jaywill1323 profile picturejaywill1323 - June 1, 2014
Amber in color with thick frothy lasting head and biscuity lime aromas. A more full bodied summer seasonal has a crisp refreshing taste with flavors of citrus and lime and a slightly bitter hop finish. No flavors are overpowering and they balance well. The lime is an interesting twist on summer beers. Another enjoyable beer from new Belgium.
Jurgis profile pictureJurgis - June 1, 2014
It's OK but a little timid.
jjswizz profile picturejjswizz - May 29, 2014
Nice fuller flavor
Nukemzzz profile pictureNukemzzz - May 26, 2014
Refreshing. Sweet. Not to heavy. Perfect really
beermeseymore profile picturebeermeseymore - May 20, 2014
A decent beer, easy drinking, but nothing really to it. I look for something a bit more robust.
SarahMunz profile pictureSarahMunz - May 7, 2014
Nice, light summer-time brew. Tubing, anyone?
Guitbox profile pictureGuitbox - May 19, 2012
Amazing beer all the new Belgium flavor yet still light. Good combination.
moffitt01 profile picturemoffitt01 - March 4, 2012
Decent summer brew
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