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Brewed By: Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 1270

Style: English Winter Warmer

Brewed In: Old Brewery High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9SB, England, UK

ABV: 6%

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Samuel Smith

Image contributed by: JKABOO4

Tasting Notes

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erinf profile pictureerinf - December 6, 2014
Tastes bitter and acidic
prhubbard profile pictureprhubbard - November 15, 2014
I would never second-guess SS for their quality but I waver on this beer's need to exist. There is just nothing special here. Does nothing exceptional. Lacks focus. Others winter ales are far superior. Seek them out.
Higgsyboy profile pictureHiggsyboy - November 14, 2014
Crisp and spicy, though lighter than I expected, both in body and in colour. Certainly on the malty side, but considerably tasty. Not much nose, but spice notes hit the roof of your mouth and top of your tongue, and are noticeable in the finish. Wouldn't buy from a store, but wouldn't overlook it on tap once temperatures drop. Though I'd hesitate to call it a warmer, it fits perfectly to cold weather.
hill.hight profile picturehill.hight - October 16, 2014
One of the best beers ever.
tomtom62 profile picturetomtom62 - October 12, 2014
Dark and smooth.. Def a beer for BBQ or something grilled
jpgamradt profile picturejpgamradt - September 28, 2014
Personal Note: This is nothing to write home about. I paid a clearance price for this beer and that was almost too much for what got. Best part was that I can use the bottle for my home brews. First Taste: Haskell's liquor store, Maple Grove MN Cost: Unknown, Clearance: $2.99; 20 oz'er
TearsforBeers profile pictureTearsforBeers - September 19, 2014
Enjoyed this beer!! Smooth had a wine like after taste which was pretty good. Sweet and malty.. Yum
mrporter profile picturemrporter - August 2, 2014
Mt - Solid profile - June 30, 2014
It starts with an orange-brown body and white head. There's some spice in the nose with a little roasted malt character. It's smooth in the mouth with a dryness that's interesting. There is some subtle fruitiness when it first hits your tongue. A small pop of brightness. The finish is a little bitter and long. It's kinda hard to catergorise this beer. There are parts I enjoy - the pop of fruit, and the bitterness; but it's overall kind of a bland, boring beer. I expected more out of Samuel Smith. EDIT: The more I drink it, the more it grows on me. I think I would say it's a solid beer - a strong base with nothing remarkable on top of it. I revised my earlier score of 2.5 up to a 3.5.
kugler123 profile picturekugler123 - April 24, 2014
Excellent beer for the cold days.
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