Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout
Brewed By: Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)
Number of Ratings: 6042
Style: English Oatmeal Stout
Brewed In: Old Brewery High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9SB, England, UK
ABV: 5%
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Number of Ratings: 6042
Style: English Oatmeal Stout
Brewed In: Old Brewery High Street, Tadcaster, LS24 9SB, England, UK
ABV: 5%
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Tasting Notes
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jamiemorgancda - October 28, 2011
Smooth flavor, but I think the veggie pizza ruined the taste. Will have to try again without food.
BeerManUSA - October 11, 2011
Pure rich creamy heaven!!!!
mdriscoll - October 5, 2011
This was the beer that added oatmeal stout to my "top styles" list.
jpitch32 - October 4, 2011
Wholesome beer. My first oatmeal stout. So good
Gekkogary1 - September 27, 2011
Great rich taste
bra7don - September 13, 2011
A tasty winter beer
tdawg - August 22, 2011
My favorite beer! Pours dark with a creamy head. Smells malty and sweet. Taste... Malty, rich and slightly sweet. There are chocolate and coffee flavors as well. The oatmeal comes through in the background. The finish is lasting with little bitterness making you want another sip!
CSpechtRock - August 15, 2011
One of my favorites. Great stout. Very subtle smokey flavor. Great with Irish cheddar cheese and crackers.
cgiron - July 31, 2011
Pours a very dark brown with creamy one and a half finger tan head leaving moderate lacing. Roasted malt, coffee and chocolate aromas. Molasses, cereal and chocolate flavors. Medium body with mild carbonation. Absolutely delicious. This is one of my all-time faves.
dano - July 27, 2011
Great winter beer.