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Brewed By: Flying Dog Brewery

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 4713

Style: Belgian Imperial IPA

Brewed In: 4607 Wedgewood Blvd, Frederick, MD 21703, USA

ABV: 8.3%

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Image contributed by: Sam Daley

Tasting Notes

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bosox229 profile picturebosox229 - March 22, 2016
3/21/2016 | pilsner glass via bottle profile - February 26, 2016
Heavy, strong ipa.
NoXcuses732 profile pictureNoXcuses732 - January 19, 2016
I originally hated this beer the first time I tried but learned to embrace it. Give it a whirl
LLORENZ909 profile pictureLLORENZ909 - November 15, 2015
Extra bitchy Whole foods
gonoles17 profile picturegonoles17 - October 12, 2015
Good. Not great. profile - October 9, 2015
Starts out sweet finishes malty A different take on IPA. I LIKE THIS BITHCH! profile - September 7, 2015
Definitely better to pour this one to allow it to breath a little. Not so good out of the bottle; as any IPA I suppose. Not bad though.
brewbaker profile picturebrewbaker - August 28, 2015
Enjoy the Belgian notes to the IPA.
laurahallie profile picturelaurahallie - August 13, 2015
Carmelly notes and very bitter on the finish. I prefer my bitches a little sweeter. And I can say that cause I'm a woman. profile - July 16, 2015
Like a sour beer. Good but wouldn't want more than one. Quite tart.
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