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Brewed By: Dogfish Head Brewery (Boston Beer Company)

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Average Rating:

Number of Ratings: 893

Style: American Barleywine

Brewed In: 6 Village Center Blvd, Milton, DE 19968, USA

ABV: 15.04%

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Image contributed by: Shelby Lee

Tasting Notes

Please sign in to post comments about this beer and see your Beer Buddies' comments. profile - June 26, 2017
Good but a little to much alcohol taste
jph368 profile picturejph368 - April 30, 2017
Bready malt nose. Flavor hits you all at once, almost too much. Boozy toasted malts prominent with dried fruits. Wow!
rcarlson7 profile picturercarlson7 - April 4, 2017
Decent barley wine. Very sweet, very malty. Strong alcohol flavor
Beezer111 profile pictureBeezer111 - March 12, 2017
A boozy 15% abv, strong fruity undertones, but a smooth slow sipping barley wine profile - March 2, 2017
IBU 85 A little bitter
chance11 profile picturechance11 - February 5, 2017
Strong but smooth. Sip it slow and enjoy profile - September 9, 2016
Better with age!
Fireballlk profile pictureFireballlk - September 12, 2015
Dark fruity taste, spice undertones, potent, strong alcohol taste
rsd profile picturersd - April 20, 2015
4/15/15ninety acres. Nice taste. Strong
warpig33 profile picturewarpig33 - February 27, 2015
15% alcohol! Made with dates and figs. Decent taste.
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